Saturday, April 12, 2008

today was just crazy I went into town this morning for a LASARA mock search with the LCC criminal justice students, let me tell ya if some of these people are gonna be our future Police officers we're in trouble. Anyway after that I was just gonna run to HOme Depot pick up somelumber that we needed and zip home to spend a wonderful day just building and work around the place. WELL, two and a half hours it took me at home depot, Talk about inept, lazy, clueless employees, I was so frustrated by the time I finally excaped that NUTHOUSE it has colored the rest of my day. But thankfully after supper we took a walk around the place, played with the calves and Maggie, it was a goreuos evening, one of those that you don't want to end because it is CALM and sunny a mild and you liesten to the birds and see a rabbit so now I feel alot better. Thank heaven for Nature she is a wonderful healer.

1 comment:

Krista said...

I've been out at my in laws the last couple of days, helping them with the landscaping. There really is nothing more relaxing than being outside, involved in an activity.