Sunday, March 29, 2009

no spring this year

Ok, I've resigned myself the the fact that we will have NO SPRING this year and probably NO SUMMER. So, I've decided to make a cozy little guest room for a friend who visits us regularly. He's very cute and really likes to spend time here. But, since he's always slept outside he's rather shy about coming in, so, he sits by the window and looks cold and forlorn when we're inside. I have this large carrier, so, I'm gonna line it and put cozy blankets in it so that Tonka, thats his name will have a cozy place to spend the night, cuz he's here almost all the time. I was hoping that the weather would turn nice so it would be okay just to have a pad and blanket out there for him, but, NOOOO!!!!!!! it's supposed to snow again today and it is FFFRRREEZZZING out this morning, I know I just fed and doctored the horses and my fingers were numb before I got half way through, I'm putting up a valiant fight against these winter blues, but I'm afraid I'm fighting a loosing battle.

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