Tuesday, March 10, 2009

My eye is healing nicely just looks like a bad makeup job now. We went to the PBR Bull Riding on Saturday night. It was a good time nice to get out of the house even if we had to go out in the FREEZING cold. Have I told you how much I HATE getting into a COLD car. It is one of my biggest Pet Peeves. We're still in a deep freeze, it was -30 something this morning with the wind chill. I don't think I can survive very much longer in this cold. I might just curl up inot a ball aand stay there till,,,, well forever.
I know I don't write very often that's cuz all I've been doing is working and trying to stay warm. I'm sure if it ever gets spring I'll have more to write about. I really want to have a garden this year and flowers too. I talked to this guy at work and he's given me some ideas for flowers. So I'm gonna be a green thumb person this year, I hope.


Krista said...

mom ... when did you develop a green thumb? hahah. kidding!
glad to hear the rodeo was fun!

mom said...

green thumbs can be learned you know!! At least I sure hope they can