Sunday, February 8, 2009

Just when you thought....

everything was gonna be okay, WHAM, I'm smacked down again. The lake in front of our house went down by itself, saving us $500.00 on a pump to get rid of the water. YAY!! Today when I was out with the horses I noticed this bubbling out of the ground, no not bubbling crude(that was for any of you who remember the Beverly Hillbillies, oh never mind) anyway I went and got Rod who confirmed my worst fears. We have a broken water line. We only have ONE water line FOR everything. So we went across the road(thats where the shut off is, down a 12 foot hole into 6 inches of water) Rod got it shut mostly off. I filled up the wateres for the horses and we have bottled water to drink, good thing I showered this morning, cuz tomorrow I'm gonna have to go dirty. We think we have a backhoe lined up for the morning but the guy won't know for sure till the morning. I just wanted to live a quiet country life, but I really don't think thats in the cards for me, I think maybe my cards are like 52 pick.

1 comment:

Dawn said...

you can always shower at my house, non-stop hot water:) I hope everything is oky. Call if you need any help.