Saturday, February 28, 2009

I thought it was ugly enough yesterday, but, its like it just keep growing. I think I need to wear a patch till the color goes away. Rod says its like a trophy ya just gotta make up a good story for it. Anyone got any ideas?

Friday, February 27, 2009


Lily is trying the shush Baxter cuz her kitties are sleeping. It's the stuffed cat and kittens, we didn't tell her that.

New dog

Did I tell ya that we have a new dog, not that we got rid of the other one, no, we just added another. But we did get rid of the new kitten. Tyler was down and took a liking to him, so now he lives in Red Deer. Our new dog is a Red Heeler. Rod went to the Humane Society, 'just to look',. He just looked every day for a week, then caved in. He reaaly is a very cute dog and very smart. I only had to chuck the bucket at him once when he tried to bite Gypsy, now he gets along with the horses really well. His name is Jake. He's a great friend for Baxter, they play by the hour.


is to blame for the condition of my poor eye. I'm going to try to put the picture on here. The other morning as I was getting into the car I slipped on the ICE and smacked my eye bone on the car frame. I saw stars and thought I'd split my head open, but, no just got a huge gooseegg and now comes the bruising. Bruising is such an ugly color. The picute with the turban is the night of, then the other one is today. So now I just have to wait for it to turn the ugly green. I tried to hide it with make up, only made it worse.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Just when you thought....

everything was gonna be okay, WHAM, I'm smacked down again. The lake in front of our house went down by itself, saving us $500.00 on a pump to get rid of the water. YAY!! Today when I was out with the horses I noticed this bubbling out of the ground, no not bubbling crude(that was for any of you who remember the Beverly Hillbillies, oh never mind) anyway I went and got Rod who confirmed my worst fears. We have a broken water line. We only have ONE water line FOR everything. So we went across the road(thats where the shut off is, down a 12 foot hole into 6 inches of water) Rod got it shut mostly off. I filled up the wateres for the horses and we have bottled water to drink, good thing I showered this morning, cuz tomorrow I'm gonna have to go dirty. We think we have a backhoe lined up for the morning but the guy won't know for sure till the morning. I just wanted to live a quiet country life, but I really don't think thats in the cards for me, I think maybe my cards are like 52 pick.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I know I'm rushing things a bit, but it really felt like spring today. We have our lake and its getting quite deep and I could walk around with no mitts. We're going to buy a pump tomorrow so we can have a lawn instead of the lake. I know it will probably get cold again, in fact its supposed to next week, I'm hoping the weather man is wrong, but to have a little reprieve is so nice.